Wednesday, March 7, 2012

KONY 2012 - Make Him Visible

Who are you to end a war? Well, who are you not to?

Hi guys,

Today's post isn't going to be anything about makeup, but I hope that you take the time to read and just be informed (if you aren't already) anyways.

I just watched a video on youtube a little earlier and couldn't help but be affected by what I watched. There is so many things that have gone wrong in the history of our world and, maybe I'm being idealistic here but I don't care, I just can't help but believe that if enough people cared to try and make a difference, we can prevent history from repeating itself. 

If you have heard anything about Uganda or the L.R.A. you may know that a lot of children are being taken from their homes with the girls forced to become sex slaves and the boys forced to kill and join an army. And all for what? For no other reason than to ensure Joseph Kony's retaining power in the African continent. I have to believe that if enough people can spread the word about this, that the government, and not just the American government, will take notice and assist in the bringing of Joseph Kony to justice. 

Please, just take thirty minutes to watch this video. I know it's long, but it's worth it.

By the way, I know there's a lot of controversy in terms of whether or not the Invisible Children organization is actually using all of the donated money for the cause. Let me just share how I feel about all this controversy:

Honestly, it's not about the money for me. It's about being able to get the word out, to bring attention to it, to make people want to make a change and make the world a (uh oh cliche here) better place. I like to believe that they do use the money for the cause. It costs money to make fliers, produce documentaries, to get the word out there. I like to think that the money is going towards the cause and just because you can't see all of it in the work done in Uganda, doesn't mean it isn't  being used properly to spread the word elsewhere.

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